Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Puberty Blues Essay

The TV show I have chosen to talk to you about today is Puberty Blues. It is aired at 8:30pm, Wednesday on channel 10. It doesn’t have a specific genre, but more like a mixture. I would classify it as a teen drama. Puberty Blues doesnt work in plot twists but offers a suprising reality. The best part about the TV drama for me is how we get a glimpse into the life of a 1970’s teenager. Puberty Blues is set in Cronulla, Sydney, in the late 1970’s. Majority of the time, Debbie and Sue’s houses are used, but the ‘greenhill gang’ are also featured hanging around by the beach. Puberty Blues tells the story Debbie Vickers and Sue Knights. They are both very clever but somewhat unpopular high school girls who wants to raise their social standings in order to go out with boys. Through out the episodes we get to know the girls’ parents- Judy and Martin who are closed off and don’t interact with each other much and Pam and Roger who have a far more open relationship. The sixth episode was directed by Glendyn Ivin and written by Fiona Seresis. The main plot is when the ‘greenhill gang’ including Debbie and Sue, get wasted, go driving and flip the car, killing the driver. Any other show would have sent the characters into an instant panic but the writers of Puberty Blues understand that the shock combined with drugs would have caused everyone to burst into disbelieving laughter. The car crash wasn’t the only plot in the episode though. Debbies parents, Judy and Martin, got to couples councilling because Martin has strong feelings for a women at his work. Cheryl, a member of the ‘green hills’ gang, is flirting with her mum’s boyfriend to prove she is more desirable than her mother, who resents. The social issue pressented in the show was definitely driving under the influence. This message is easily interpreted in the car crash scene were the driver and passengers are drunk and stoned. This wasn’t my favourite episode from Puberty Blues but it was still solid like we have come to expect from this series. I would recommend the show to high school students and older as there are some mature themes and sexual references. I love this show because it takes awkward and serious situations and brings out their bright side.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


WHAT IS SELF REALIZATION SCIENCE OF SELF REALIZATION JOURNEY TO SELF REALIZATION MASTER OF SELF REALIZATION MORE SITEMAP WHAT IS SELF-REALIZATION? Self-Realization is a scientific process which reveals a new vision and understanding so that you have: Freedom from worries and fear Scientific solutions to inner and external conflicts Smoother relationships Inner peace Equanimity amid any circumstances Eternal happiness Experience of your true eternal Self Experience the depths of spirituality while fulfilling your worldly responsibilities Have you stopped to wonder what the goal of human life might be?While each day contains unique quests for happiness, any happiness we do attain remains with us only temporarily. Then, after each phase of happiness passes, have you noticed that only an underlying dissatisfaction remains inside? This dissatisfaction prompts the next quest for happiness which again is, by nature, temporary. And so the cycle continues.. Aware of this, you may question whe ther permanent happiness even exists; and if it did, how could it be attained? The answer is Yes, it does exist. Permanent happiness is, the goal of human life and is experienced continuously upon attaining Self-realization.But what exactly is Self-realization? It is to know and experience directly who You really are! By discovering the real eternal nature of â€Å"Who am I†, true permanent happiness is attained. When asked â€Å"Who are YOU†, most people will answer â€Å"I am William† But this name is only a title given to identify your body, just as store names such as Wal-mart and Tesco are given simply to specify the store's presence. In reality, â€Å"YOU† are the owner of your name and not the name itself. If this were not true, how could your name be changed countless times even while â€Å"YOU† remain the same inside?Before Self-realization, it is natural to identify with your name and with the countless temporary qualities that are believ ed to be â€Å"YOU†. But who YOU really are is beyond all of these temporary identifications, for â€Å"YOU† are eternal, and permanent happiness itself. Self-realization is to experience the nature of your very own Self, from that vantage point, to understand the non-self known as â€Å"William†. To attain Self Realization through Gnan Vidhi (free) from PujyaShri Deepakbhai Send Email To: [email  protected] in What is Self realization?Self realization foundation Center for Self realization Science of Self realization Process of Self realization Science of human nature Science of karma Journey to Self realization Before Self realization After Self realization Master of Self realization Pujya Niruma Pujya Deepakbhai Attain Self realization Path to Self realization Achieve Self realization Ultimate Self realization Self realization religion Self realization temple Self realization meditation Quick Links Articles Experiences TV Programs Spiritual Discourses Self Realization Videos Self Realization BooksSpiritual Glossary Our Sites dadabhagwan. org enlightenment. in dadabhagwan. in dadabhagwan. de www. dadabhagwan. es hindi. dadabhagwan. org Copyright  © 2008-2009 Dada Bhagwan Foundation To Top Self-Realization Home / Articles  · Awareness Software  · Chakras  · Yantras  · Free Yoga Software  · Yoga Portal The concept of self-realization has became very popular since the founding of Self-Realization Fellowship by Paramahansa Yogananda. But what does it really mean when we talk about self-realization? The Webster's Dictionary defines self-realizationism as: The ethical theory that the highest good for man consists in realizing or fulfilling himself usually on the assumption that he has certain inborn abilities constituting his real or ideal self. † Further, Webster's defines self-realization as: â€Å"The fulfillment by oneself of the possibilities of one's character or personality. † However, such Dictionary explanat ions are not really very enlightening for anyone on the spiritual path. This is not really surprising, since the scholarly interpretation of what constitutes the Self is not on the same level as the interpretations of our Philosophers.While dictionaries normally refer to the entire person, the individual, or to a person in his best normal physical and mental condition, Philosophers refer to the Self as pure Consciousness, pure Awareness, pure Beingness, Atman, or even God. Philosophers have mentioned the act of self-realization for centuries. Ramana Maharshi talked about it and Shankara before him. Most of us identify the Self with body and mind and therefore find it difficult to equate God with the Self. Simply equating God with the Self can sound like sacrilege or the product of a megalomaniac.But when the Self is explained as pure Awareness, which means without thought and without individual identification (ego) of any kind, then it is clear that megalomania and sacrilege is not really an option because that would require an ego. Understanding the Self as pure Awareness brings us closer to the understanding of self-realization. If the Self is pure Awareness, then all we have to do to realize the Self is to quiet our thinking. Where there is no thinking, there is no ego. Where there is no ego, there is the Self. After all, we do not really cease to exist when we cease to think.This condition of being aware of one's Self reveals one's own eternal Being. Since God is pure Awareness and our Self is pure Awareness, the two really compare as the water drop compares to the large body of water. Thus, while it is not correct to say the Self is God, it is correct to say that the Self has the same qualities as God and is in no way different. God and the Self can only be understood as omnipresent Awareness. Since the Self is already there at the center of our Being, Self-awareness is actually a more correct term than self-realization because realization implies a first Self that could realize another, second Self.However, there is only one Self and to realize the Self means to BE that Self. Only the ego can speak of realizing the Self but only the Self can be the Self. The trick lies in distinguishing the Real (the Self) from the unreal (the ego) and that is accomplished entirely by moving our attention away from the unreal and keeping it focused on the Real, the experience of I-AM. Because we all erroneously identify with the ego, or the combination of body and mind, all efforts to realize the Self are falsely felt as an attempt of self-destruction.For that reason, in his â€Å"Autobiography of a Yogi† Paramahansa Yogananda quoted both Shankara and Ramana Maharshi. Shankara: â€Å"Knowledge cannot spring up by any other means than the inquiry: Who am I? † For a complete guide to self-awareness, see our paperback Awareness – The Center of Being. Other formats: Software Edition (runs on Windows PC); Kindle eBook (available on Amazon). Previous: Proof for the Existence of GodNext: Saints and Mystics Home | Website Content Copyright  © 1997-2012 Zentrum Publishing Home Spiritual Art Gallery Buy a Print Spiritual Inspirations Spiritual WritingsYour comments New Stuff Spiritual Art Blog Tell Your Story Resources Privacy Policy [? ]Subscribe To This Site Self realisation, a major step to happiness Self realisation or getting to the point where we recognise who and what we are is one of our major steps to becoming a happier and more fulfilled person. What does self realisation mean? When we realise what life is about, why we are here, what role we play in life and our purpose in life we are getting close to being self realised. Life is really an educational system to help us become aware of our selves as Soul and the divine qualities we have.We are all Souls here in a physical body learning about ourselves. Firstly we learn how to survive physically. We get to a point where we can get enough food, water, air and space to live and keep our body alive. Once we reach our teenage years we usually have our physical needs taken care of and are aware of what our bodies are capable of. Emotions We also need to take care of our emotional selves and not get too unbalanced in any area. We get our temperament to a point where we are balanced in all our emotions. Our emotions can swing out of balance in a number of areas, such as: Optimism . . Disappointment Love . /. Hate Humility . /. Aggressiveness Courage . /. Fear Happiness . /. Sadness Our emotions are constantly balancing. If we get very happy we’ll have a period of being very sad. If we have a lot of emotional love for some people, we can have a lot of emotional hate for others. Our emotions can burn us if we get out of balance in any area. When we realise how our emotions can affect us and we learn to keep a balance so that we don’t go too far in any area, we begin to become aware of our emotions and are better able to contro l them. MemoriesOur memories can affect us in both a positive and a negative way. If we have memories of how we were treated with love, being given assistance or received a benefit, these can help bring a positive influence to our lives. They can help inspire us and motivate us to achieve something or be of service in some way. On the other hand if we have negative memories of being mistreated, hurt or degraded, these can have a negative impact on our lives. If we focus on these memories, we won’t be able to see the positive sides of life. These negative memories can keep us locked in a negative space for a long time.When we realise the impact of our memories on our lives and we take steps to control what our memory feeds us, we begin to have a more positive life. We have more control over our memories and we select what memories influence us and the decisions we make from day to day based on our memories. Mind Our mind is very often seen as what drives our lives. It seems to be the controller of our lives of how and why we do things. It gets its information from our physical world, our emotions, our memories and its own logical processes. The mind is an excellent tool for helping us survive.It can work out solutions to problems in a logical way, it can make judgments on situations based on our memories and emotions on similar events in the past. For some of us our mind is the controller of our lives. We believe that logic is what controls our world and once everything in our lives is logical we will have control over them. This can work well for some people for a period. However there are other non-logical elements and events which happen in life such as, unusual weather, natural disasters, coincidences, imagination, synchronicity and many other events which cannot be explained by logic.There are also things like new people coming into our lives which upset everything and for some ‘love at first’ sight can really turn their world upside do wn. When we get to the point where we realise our mind is a tool for our use and not the real us, we then begin to let other non logical influences come into our lives and give us direction. A lot of these influences come from our intuition or subconscious. Subconscious If we have been of the opinion that our world runs on logic, we are not going to allow much space for the illogical nudges and messages from our subconscious.Our subconscious often lets itself be known by ‘feelings’, nudges, urges and our intuition. Its messages can be subtle if we are not used to watching for them. We can turn up our awareness of the messages coming from our intuition. We can ask questions or request that we be shown these subtle messages in a clearer form so that we can understand them. Once we get used to receiving these intuitive messages we will begin to realise that they are coming from a higher source and that source is Soul. Soul Soul is the whole objective of our quest for self realisation.When we become aware of ourselves as Soul we have reached the first spiritual objective of our lives. We have realised ourselves. At this point we realise who and what we are. We get some idea of how our lives work and some realisation of what life is about. If just knowing about these various elements within ourselves was enough to achieve self realisation, then because we’ve read about them we should be self realised. Unfortunately it is not that easy. We have to experience each of these states, go through them, understand them and get them into a balanced state before we become self realised.In other words we have to realise each of the lower states individually before we get to total self realisation. It is a process of learning we have to go through. Core Questions Self realisation gives us the answers to a lot of the core questions we ask ourselves, our God, our angels or whatever higher power we refer to in times of anguish and despair. These questions incl ude: Who am I? Why am I here? What is life all about? What is the purpose of life? A lot of us go through life with these questions in the back of their mind but for some people, these questions are to the forefront of their lives.They spend their lives searching for the answers. Some travel to far off places like India and the Himalayas or retreat to nature or explore various spiritual paths. Some people use drugs and alcohol to find an answer to these haunting questions or to quell the burning in their hearts. Self realisation frees us If we can gain some realisation of who we are, how life works and its purpose we will become a little happier. Self realisation frees us from the illusion of having to do what â€Å"they† say or what â€Å"everyone else† is doing. We begin to see how we are individuals, each unique with our own understanding of life and the world.This comes from our experiences in life on all levels including our spiritual life. As we begin to reach se lf realisation, we become more individual and are prepared to step away from the crowd as we realise that what is put forward as good for the crowd, is not always good for us individually. We go it alone on some issues, steering away from what â€Å"everyone† says is â€Å"good† or â€Å"bad†. We see that the social order is good for society in general but its rules, opinions and expectations can damage us individually on a spiritual level.Society doesn’t offer any meaningful answers to our questions. It has the consciousness of the mob because society is made up of Souls ranging in consciousness from animals to saints. We are all looking for the happiness that comes from self realisation but depending on the consciousness of the individual they may use brute force or divine love to achieve it. How to reach Self Realisation? How do we reach self realisation? The good news is that we will reach it at some point in our journey as Soul. As we go through our lives we learn a little every time.We discover that hurting people and ourselves doesn’t bring happiness. We eventually discover that love is the key to bringing happiness into our world. Not just the romantic, emotional love but the selfless love which we give without expecting anything in return. What would love do? A way of achieving this state consciousness is by asking the question, What would love do in this situation? If we were that divine essence Love, what would It do? If we were in love with the person or people involved in the circumstances or the problem which faces us, what would we do?We may not like the answer we receive but the answer will likely solve the problem we are facing and bring a love to all involved. Using Love as the first reason to do anything is an excellent way of getting in touch with our true self, Soul. We as Soul are in a heaven of Love, where Love sustains and maintains us. If we begin to use this Divine Love in our lives in this physical world, we begin to use the same essence that Soul is using all the time. By using this Divine Love and letting It flow into our worlds we begin to pick up more of the wisdom coming from Soul.HU Song Music often brightens our lives when we hear an uplifting piece. There is a song we can sign which can uplift us to the higher, happier part of ourselves, Soul, whenever we sing it. This song is the HU Song. We may have come across it in the word Alleluia, which is a combination of Allah and HU. This HU Song is one of the sounds heard in Soul’s worlds or heavens. By singing it we are tuning into that same heaven and opening ourselves up to Its level. When we are on Its level we can gain insights and inspirations into our current situations.We can also partake in the peace and serenity of Soul and bring a little of it back to our current situation. In this way the HU song bring us wisdom and peace along with the realisation that we are more than our physical world, more than the si tuation we are in physically. Wisdom and guidance of Soul When we reach Self realisation we reconnect with Soul, the true happy part of ourselves. We now have access to the wisdom and guidance of Soul. We now are given insights into why some situations, people, problems, gifts and blessings are in our lives.While our problems and challenges will not disappear, we will have a better understanding of them. With that understanding they are easier to live with. Our attitude changes to a more positive outlook and we take another step upwards in our spiritual growth towards self realisation. Wishing you Soul’s love and self realisation. *Ed Parkinson You’ll find more insights into Self Realisation on the Spiritual Writings page. Share this page: What's This? Enjoy this page? Please pay it forward. Here's how†¦ You are not connected. Please login or register General DiscusssionUniversal LoungeQualities of self-realized peopleShareActions horus horus Posts: 196 Join date: 2011-01-01 Location: Australia Post n °1 Qualities of self-realized people horus on Sat Mar 19, 2011 3:47 am Self-realization is a concept that has become widely popular in the Western and that has great influence from some Eastern religions. For instance, for the Hindu or Bharat religion self-realization refers to a profound spiritual awakening where there is an awakening from an illusory self identify image (Ego), to the true, divine, perfect condition that the individual is. According to Maslow, self realized people share the following qualities: Truth: honest, reality, beauty, pure, clean and unadulterated completeness * Goodness: rightness, desirability, uprightness, benevolence, honesty * Beauty: rightness, form, aliveness, simplicity, richness, wholeness, perfection, completion, * Wholeness: unity, integration, tendency to oneness, interconnectedness, simplicity, organization, structure, order, not dissociated, synergy * Dichotomy-transcendence: acceptance, resolution, int egration, polarities, opposites, contradictions * Aliveness: process, not-deadness, spontaneity, self-regulation, full-functioning * Unique: idiosyncrasy, individuality, non comparability, novelty * Perfection: nothing superfluous, nothing lacking, everything in its right place, just-rightness, suitability, justice * Necessity: inevitability: it must be just that way, not changed in any slightest way * Completion: ending, justice, fulfillment * Justice: fairness, suitability, disinterestedness, non partiality, * Order: lawfulness, rightness, perfectly arranged Simplicity: nakedness, abstract, essential skeletal, bluntness * Richness: differentiation, complexity, intricacy, totality * Effortlessness: ease; lack of strain, striving, or difficulty * Playfulness: fun, joy, amusement * Self-sufficiency: autonomy, independence, self-determining. Happiness and self-realization The concept of self-realization states that it is the ultimate goal of a human being to attain permanent happiness and complete independence and freedom from all worldly bondage, and that true happiness is then the result of self-realization. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Self-realization  « View previous topic  · View next topic  » Current date/time is Tue Nov 27, 2012 8:19 am Invision | Contact | Report an abuse

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analyzing Little Red Riding Hood

For danger, violence, and even death can come disguised in familiar things as the theme in â€Å"Little Red Riding Hood† suggests. There are several literary elements that contribute to the theme of the story of â€Å"Little Red Riding Hood†. I will analyze these elements as I have interpreted them. Perrault uses omniscient point of view to tell this story. This is observed in the first sentence of the first paragraph, â€Å"Once upon a time there lived in a certain village a little country girl, the prettiest creature who was ever seen† (as cited in Clugston, 2010, section 4. 1, para. 1). Omniscient point of view simply means that the reader is privy to every characters inner thoughts and feelings; in addition it allows the reader to go in and out of each character thoughts throughout the story. In this short story the reader gets the thoughts and feelings of both Little Red and the wolf. The tone of â€Å"Little Red Riding Hood† is a message to teach the danger in talking to or trusting strangers. For many strangers cannot and should not be trusted. That evil does exist and it has many faces, even familiar faces. The setting of this story is a medieval village on the edge of a large dark forest. Which today could be a lovely suburb on the edge of a huge unfriendly dark city? This story has five characters in it; however, the story focuses on the young woman wearing a red-hooded cape, the wolf, and their encounter, â€Å"As she was going through the wood, she met with a wolf, who had a very great mind to eat her up, but he dared not, because of some woodcutters working nearby in the forest. He asked her where she was going. The poor child, who did ot know that it was dangerous to stay and talk to a wolf, said to him, â€Å"I am going to see my grandmother and carry her a cake and a little pot of butter from my mother† (as cited in Clugston, 2010, section 4. 1, para. 4). In reading â€Å"Little Red Riding Hood†, my interpretation of the symbolism is based on things in the 21st century. In my mind, I see Red not as a little girl but as a young woman just coming of age. She is very beautiful and quite desirable. The wolf is not a four-legged animal but a two-legged man with bad morals and evil thoughts. There are various kinds of wolves. There are those who are charming, quiet, polite, unassuming, complacent, and sweet who pursue young woman at home and in the street. And unfortunately, it is these gentle wolves who are the most dangerous ones of all. Whereas, Red still thinks with a pure, loving, and trusting heart and mind as do many young females do today? In addition, where it say the wolf eats Red, â€Å"And, saying these words, this wicked wolf fell upon Little Red Riding Hood, and ate her all up (as cited in Clugston, 2010, section 4. 1, para. 27). The wolf does not actually eat Red but rapes and violates her stealing her innocence from her forever. The plot of the story contributes to the theme of the story by telling us of the dangers of talking to strangers. We all need to beware of our surroundings and to be so very careful in speaking to strangers, for danger, violence, loss of innocence, and even death can come disguised in things and people that are very familiar to us. References Clugston, R. W. , (2010). Journey into Literature. Retrieved from: http://content. ashford. edu/books/AUENG125. 10. 2? sections=sec4. 1 Analyzing Little Red Riding Hood For danger, violence, and even death can come disguised in familiar things as the theme in â€Å"Little Red Riding Hood† suggests. There are several literary elements that contribute to the theme of the story of â€Å"Little Red Riding Hood†. I will analyze these elements as I have interpreted them. Perrault uses omniscient point of view to tell this story. This is observed in the first sentence of the first paragraph, â€Å"Once upon a time there lived in a certain village a little country girl, the prettiest creature who was ever seen† (as cited in Clugston, 2010, section 4. 1, para. 1). Omniscient point of view simply means that the reader is privy to every characters inner thoughts and feelings; in addition it allows the reader to go in and out of each character thoughts throughout the story. In this short story the reader gets the thoughts and feelings of both Little Red and the wolf. The tone of â€Å"Little Red Riding Hood† is a message to teach the danger in talking to or trusting strangers. For many strangers cannot and should not be trusted. That evil does exist and it has many faces, even familiar faces. The setting of this story is a medieval village on the edge of a large dark forest. Which today could be a lovely suburb on the edge of a huge unfriendly dark city? This story has five characters in it; however, the story focuses on the young woman wearing a red-hooded cape, the wolf, and their encounter, â€Å"As she was going through the wood, she met with a wolf, who had a very great mind to eat her up, but he dared not, because of some woodcutters working nearby in the forest. He asked her where she was going. The poor child, who did ot know that it was dangerous to stay and talk to a wolf, said to him, â€Å"I am going to see my grandmother and carry her a cake and a little pot of butter from my mother† (as cited in Clugston, 2010, section 4. 1, para. 4). In reading â€Å"Little Red Riding Hood†, my interpretation of the symbolism is based on things in the 21st century. In my mind, I see Red not as a little girl but as a young woman just coming of age. She is very beautiful and quite desirable. The wolf is not a four-legged animal but a two-legged man with bad morals and evil thoughts. There are various kinds of wolves. There are those who are charming, quiet, polite, unassuming, complacent, and sweet who pursue young woman at home and in the street. And unfortunately, it is these gentle wolves who are the most dangerous ones of all. Whereas, Red still thinks with a pure, loving, and trusting heart and mind as do many young females do today? In addition, where it say the wolf eats Red, â€Å"And, saying these words, this wicked wolf fell upon Little Red Riding Hood, and ate her all up (as cited in Clugston, 2010, section 4. 1, para. 27). The wolf does not actually eat Red but rapes and violates her stealing her innocence from her forever. The plot of the story contributes to the theme of the story by telling us of the dangers of talking to strangers. We all need to beware of our surroundings and to be so very careful in speaking to strangers, for danger, violence, loss of innocence, and even death can come disguised in things and people that are very familiar to us. References Clugston, R. W. , (2010). Journey into Literature. Retrieved from: http://content. ashford. edu/books/AUENG125. 10. 2? sections=sec4. 1

Taxation Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Taxation Law - Essay Example It also works with appropriate departments on policy matters relating to tax and excise. The ATO has the responsibility for administering a range of tax and superannuation legislation is vested by Parliament in the Commissioner of Taxation. The Commissioner's authority to administer each levy is written into the law relating to that levy, as are his general responsibilities, discretionary powers and rights (The Commissioner of Taxation, (n.d.), accessed 25.10.05). In Australia, the Tax Office generally asks the taxpayers to co-operate with it voluntarily and to disclose full information completely and honestly. But Additionally, it has specific information- gathering powers for some taxpayers who should insist that the Tax Office exercise those powers, even where there is no suggestion of tax avoidance - in particular a professional should not voluntarily disclose confidential information to the Tax Office but insist upon its exercise of these powers. To avoid tax evasions, the Tax Office has right of full and free access to all buildings, books and documents for the purpose of the Income Tax Assessment Act, and is allowed to require any person to give it such information, as it requires or to attend and give evidence before it. The Act also states that the occupier of a building or place entered or proposed to be entered by the Tax Office shall provide the Tax Office with all reasonable facilities and assistance for the exercise of its powers. Once an audit commences the taxpayer may want to know how to interact. Just because it is necessary to assist the Tax Office doesn't mean one is subservient to it. How much information should be provided, or withheld because it is protected may be issues, particularly if the matter may end in court. At conclusion of the audit the taxpayer may undertake a Freedom of Information Act search to find out just what the Tax Office thinks of it. Many taxpayers will find that they have underpaid primary tax and, as a result, apart from having to pay that tax, will be subject to penalties. Their solicitor can document payment arrangements with the tax Office and perhaps prepare mortgages and other charges to secure such payments (Rockliffs Solicitors & Barristers, accessed 25.10.05). The Australian Tax Office is responsible to ensure that that nobody steals public money through tax fraud and for this purpose, it has auditors to carry out the investigations but it does not have powers to take tax criminals to the courts. Once it detects a fraud, then it refers the matter to the Federal Police. The Taxation Bill 2002 provides the Australian Tax Office with a broad range of powers to obtain comprehensive information on the administration of the tax laws. The Inspector-General of Australian Tax Office is able to invite submissions from the public or from particular groups of taxpayers or tax professionals, and may receive submissions in confidence. The Inspector-General is also able to hold meetings with taxpayers, tax professionals or their representatives. The Bill also endows the Inspector-General with investigative powers, including the power to compel disclosure of documents and examine witnesses so that the Inspector-Gen

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Analysis of the Film The Wizard of Oz (1939) Movie Review

Analysis of the Film The Wizard of Oz (1939) - Movie Review Example With reference to the more obvious part of the subject, the filmmaker appears to enthuse life’s constant fact that by one’s sole endeavor, it would be difficult to attain a sense of fulfillment. In the story, Dorothy meets a Scarecrow, a Tin Man, and a Cowardly Lion on her journey to the Emerald City. Though each of these creatures differs greatly from each other with respect to non-human material characteristics, altogether they possess distinct human traits that complement those of the Kansas girl. Under these circumstances, the four become great friends as they inevitably give one another a hand in overcoming the obstacles encountered. At this stage, the film clearly inculcates to the psyche the significance of friendship that works in good and bad times alike. ‘The Wizard of Oz’ specifically promotes the notion that regardless of the predictive capability of an individual to emerge as a hero or heroine in most cases like Dorothy, there comes a turning p oint when companions are amply necessitated in completing not only the set tasks or mission but also the state of happiness in all sorts of adventures experienced. On the other hand, through in-depth examination, the creation of ‘The Wizard of Oz’ may be found to form an argument that suggests typical culture and ‘populist ideology’. By presenting the rural conditions of an American small town where the tending farm is the chief source of livelihood, the film communicates the value of familial ties and associated hard-work thereof. It seeks to establish agreement to the type of American society during the 1930s when the extended period of industrialization from the Gilded Age brought about several revolutionary ideas which took effect via the outcomes perceived in the drastic change in both the economy and the general community lifestyle. In particular, the ‘yellow brick road’ which symbolizes ‘gold’ and the rainbow’s end bearing a ‘pot of gold’ both represent the principle of prosperity which can only be achieved through enthusiastic attitude toward work while holding ‘family’ essential in the process. It stresses consideration to how the strength of family bond impacts

Saturday, July 27, 2019

History of English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

History of English - Essay Example French is essential in meeting the current and future needs of such individuals in the society (Nikolov, 2009). An individual that has prowess in French could utilize the opportunity of offering language classes. This enables the particular individual that teaches French have a means of improving their financial status (Adamson, 2007). This creates the need to learn French for easy interpretation when compelled to have a conversation in the French language. Surveys provide evidence of a great increase in the French speaking demographic. This population is increasing at a higher rate as compared to English and other languages. For instance, by the year 2050 the percentage of French speakers in African states could increase by five percent. The number of French immigrants in the western countries has significantly increased. This has led to the development of interest in the language to determine their exact economic and social assimilation (Garcia, 2010). For instance, there is an increase in the number of intermarriages between the French immigrants and the westerners. This plays a major role in economic

Friday, July 26, 2019

Women Liberation Movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Women Liberation Movement - Essay Example However, Women Liberation Movement not only consisted of different liberation groups but it also included various advocates and a variety of groups who aimed to represent women and their rights. In addition to this, Women Liberation Movement also appeared formally in organizations like the Women’s Action Group or Women Electoral Lobby. Women Liberation Movement is said to be the biggest landmark in the women history of UK. Throughout the years, their hard work did pay off. They succeeded in their aims in a short span of time. One cannot ignore the fact that this movement did improve the status of women in British society. Before this movement was established, women were not allowed to do outdoor jobs and it was obligatory for them to obey their husbands no matter what. Due to this low status of women in British society, Mary Wollstonecraft, first feminist, advocated that this movement purely aimed for equitable distribution of rights between male and female. Even though Women Liberation Movement achieved its goals, but along this, some problems still remained. All in all, this movement is a continuous battle which includes women struggling against the world in order to improve their life, work and sexuality1. History and Foundation As mentioned above, Women Liberation Movement

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Protecting the House of Under Armour Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Protecting the House of Under Armour - Article Example Kraft and Lee involve an evaluation of the company’s dealings in its bid to ensure success upon its product portfolio. Findings from the article indicate that the company engaged on production with a capital base amounting to $310,000 after Kevin Plank realized the need to enhance sports through manufacturing the ideal wears for each sports activity. The authors account on the initial capital base of the company as sourced from three bodies for example, $20,000 from private equity, $30,000 from borrowed finances, and $250,000 loan for small business enterprises. Eventually, the article establishes that the founders’ zeal propelled the success of the company to reach its goals in becoming a competent producer of sports equipment. Despite the variations of managing the Under Armour products to become a brand, the company’s successes remain interrelated to the strategic involvement and the indulged passion of Kevin Plank in his quest to facilitate sports. The articl e articulates that the company’s focus on the current culture, the target market share, and the involvement in brand placement are the constituent propellants to its success. The two authors successfully ascertain that the engaged programs guaranteed Under Armour to acquire its current market share and beneficial outcomes. CRITIQUE Protecting the house of under armour The article’s title, â€Å"Protecting the house of Under Armour† seeks to analyze the Under Armour brand management beginning from the initial foundation to the current state of the company. Kraft and Lee authored the article purporting to enable readers derive necessary knowledge concerning the development of products and protection of brands. The article establishes that Kevin Plank’s initial intention emanated from the urge and desire to manufacture athletes’ wears that suited their psychological and physical purposes. The article’s title entails protection of a house of und er armour. However, the article contains managerial and production activities of the Under Armour brand (Kraft and Lee, 2009, p, 113). This is a distractive course taken upon by the authors since the readers find it confusing since they have to understand the correlations of protecting and managing the brand. After the title of the article, the authors directly address the issue of the initial manufacturing processing and sourcing of capital under a subtopic named building the house. Normally, the reader would expect to read the abstract of the article in order to be certain of the context and relevance. The authors fail to acknowledge the salient need of the introduction as they engage on establishing various subtopics, which tend to be independent from each other (Kraft and Lee, 2009, p, 115). Arguably, the method of writing tends to be ill since the avoidance of introduction serves as a deception for the reader lacks an overview of the items contains in the article. The article a ccounts on Kevin’s resolutions to establish a longtime remedy to the problems that befell athletes during sports. Kraft and Lee establish the founder who is also the company’s head embarked on the production plan to help his teammates after realizing the psychological discomfort they all experienced from their sportswear. However, the article fails to account on the founder’

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Please look at attachment (New Media & International Communication) Essay

Please look at attachment (New Media & International Communication) - Essay Example The social media landscapes are positive in providing networks and updates; however, it also tends to be abused by many and takes away from the natural, physical interactions among friends and individuals. The convenience of technology with human interaction is one which is widely used by friends and family members. The interactions include convenience of giving information, planning schedules and getting to know what individuals are doing. Using technology as a form of human interaction has become more convenient than meeting with individuals physically. Remote connections, meeting individuals that normally wouldn’t occur and having continuous updates are some of the changes which are now expected from technology. This has become a substitute for human interaction and makes it more convenient to keep in touch with others through various portals. Everything from mobile technology to social media portals, such as Facebook, provides more interactions that take place remotely and which are easier to be a part of. The limitations of technology, as well as the ease of connecting to others, have been developed because of the main goals of connecting online.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Nursing ethical dilemma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nursing ethical dilemma - Essay Example Such scenarios make it necessary to study the ethical dilemmas faced by nurses to avoiding getting in trouble. Nurses ought to have moral concepts that would ensure that they provide care that is correct, rational and good. Nurses are obliged to give their patients the chance to express their feeling and choose the way they want nurses to serve them. Decision-making and science are the rationales under which ethical nursing care is based on. The essay focuses on two moral dilemmas that are common with practicing nurses in their daily activities. The essay relates the two ethical dilemmas faced by nurses to a particular moral principle that nurses should possess. Nurses are guided by a set code of ethics, which are meant to guide nurses on their actions and help to help solve moral dilemmas. The second part of the essay after the introduction part deals with the first ethical dilemma and the moral principle that relates to the dilemma. The third part of the essay tackles the second dilemma and just like the second part, the section also discusses the ethical principle under which the dilemma falls under. Conclusion is the final part of the paper, and this is where the major points in the essay are put in a clearer perspective. Nurses have reported cases of having to deal with patients who exercise their rights to say no to any directives given to them by nurses. Patients with Anorexia, an eating disorder that is becoming common refuse to take food given to them by nurses as the condition makes an individual detest eating. Patients suffering from the disease fail to eat any food provided to them by nurses and in the process, their body starts consuming itself damaging the patients health. Such an issue raises questions such as how nurses deal with patients who refuse to eat even if eating is imperative for them getting better. Another question on nurses’ mind is the motive behind such a patient’s decision of not

Role of the Media in American Politics Essay Example for Free

Role of the Media in American Politics Essay A free and open media is essential to a functioning democracy. Its role in politics is to â€Å"encourage democratization, strengthen the rule of law and promote institution building† (UN News Center). In order for a democracy to work properly, citizens need to be informed on the issues at hand, in a fair and unbiased manner, so they can make sound decisions as to which candidates to vote for. The role of the media in democracy has been realized since the institute’s earliest inception. In 1791 the 1st Amendment was made to the Bill of Rights, and it stated that â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press; or the right of the people to peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances† (PBS). If free press becomes compromised, such as being taken over and run by biased private corporations, then a country’s democracy is at risk, and it can lead to the country becoming a fascist state. In America, the media plays a decisive role in politics and in determining which agendas are successful and which are not and whether or not it has been compromised by private interest continues to be debated. Bias in the Media Whether or not any press can be truly free remains a subject of much debate. Media outlets, just like any other enterprise, rely on a steady flow of funds in order to operate. Thus, they rely on sponsors either through the sales of advertisements or through government funding. Media outlets also much appeal to the demands and tastes of the audience. Various media outlets must compete amongst each other for viewers, so catering to the tastes of that audience becomes a science. â€Å"Restricted by the limited tastes of the audience and reliant upon political elites for most information, journalists participate in an interdependent news system, not a free market of ideas† (Entman 3). Since the media depends on private funds and large numbers of viewers, it is possible that its agenda becomes compromised, from giving a fair and unbiased news report to one that caters towards the tastes of viewers and investors. While media outlets do have the opportunity to be biased, depending on their audience and funding, there are still a wide range of mass media outlets for viewers to choose from. Viewers have a choice as to where to get their news from. If one station seems biased towards one viewpoint, the channel can quickly be changed. Over the decades, technology has increased the ways in which a viewer can get their news. In the 1970’s, television was the main outlet for mass media. There were just seven channels available to the average household, and these captured 80% of all viewing. However, technology has changed this dramatically. In 2005, 85% of households had access to satellite or cable TV and had on average a hundred channels to choose from. Today, viewers can also choose to get their news not just from TV but also from the Internet and smart phones (Muntz 224). With the wide range of choices as to where to get the news, it would not be presumptuous to expect a wider range of political viewpoints to be expressed from various media outlets. However, this does not appear to be the case. Journalists themselves are also inherently biased. While the goal of journalism is to give a fair and unbiased representation of the story being covered, a reporter’s personal views, preferences, and identifications with an issue or politician will undoubtedly come into play. As well, journalists themselves are seeking a successful career in media. In order to be successful, and stand out, they must cover stories that â€Å"make it onto the front page or get lots of airtime on the evening news† (Zaller 21-22). Those stories that get on the front page are those that appeal to the public. Thus, those journalists are mare most adept at appealing to the interests of the public are those that are the most successful (Zaller 22). Thus, the audience may often times end up receiving information that is more sensational than it is unbiased and informational. Despite the wide range of choices as to where to get their news, it has been observed that the public’s viewpoints, as well as those of media outlets, have become increasingly polarized over the years (Muntz 224). It has been proposed selectivity is to blame, that is, peoples inherent nature to select those outlets which best represent their own ideals. â€Å"Selectivity can take place at several junctures with respect to mass media, including exposure to a particular source of political news, attention to what the source says, and biased interpretation when processing the content of political news† (Muntz 225). It is human nature to want to avoid that information which conflicts with their preexisting ideas and beliefs. Thus, while media outlets may offer viewers information, the audience is not necessarily going to listen to the information in a fair and unbiased manner. Thus, bias in the media is a two-way street between media outlets and the viewer’s themselv es. The Media and Political Campaign Coverage The media and politics come most closely into play during presidential elections. Every four years, politicians battle it out to see who will win the most favor from the American people to become the next president. It is the job of the media outlets to inform the public about the various political candidates. During elections, the candidates can get quite negative on each other. The media, as it should, covers the stories behind negative campaign advertisements, political speeches and debates. Politicians who run the most negative campaigns, thus, can end up getting the most media coverage. This can lead towards voter bias on both sides. For example, during the 2012 campaign, the republican candidates received a great deal of media coverage. The candidates – Mitt Romney, Newt Gringrich, Ron Paul and Rick Santorum – were competing for republican nomination. The democratic nominate was assured, as it was the incumbent Barack Obama. So, there was far less media scrutiny on Barack Obama and his issues, such as the success of his healthcare act or his wishy-washy stance on Super PAC’s (Mark). Voters were more informed on the issues, and negative campaigning, of the republican candidates. Politicians rely on media politics to both win elections and to mobilize public support for causes and the implementation of projects while they are in office (Zaller 1-2). Thus, they rely on journalists and reporters to get their story out to audiences. However, the story that journalists choose to get out may not be the one the candidate wishes. This happens when the press uncovers a skeleton in the closet of a politician, or when a candidate suddenly changes their position on an issue and the media exposes them as wishy-washy (Zaller 13). Depending on the candidate, the media can be either a boon or a bust to their political career. Citizens also rely on media coverage in order to know who to vote for. The public wants to know what kind of morals and ethics a politician has and what their stance is on issues that are important to them. Individuals all have different issues they want to see addressed during a presidential campaign, ranging from taxes to abortion. Mass media outlets will poll their audiences, and study their demographics, in order to know which types of stories their audience will be most likely to identify with and those are the stories that will be covered in the news. Media and Government Exposure The media also plays a strong role in keeping the government honest by exposing scandal and controversy. In the early 1900’s, during what is known as the Progressive Era, a new style of investigative journalism was born. Dubbed by Theodore Roosevelt as â€Å"muckrakers†, these journalists â€Å"revealed illegal and unsavory practices of capital, labor, and state and local government† (PBS). Fast forward to the 1970’s, and it was the same type of muckrakers who exposed the Watergate scandal. However, while democracy relies on the ability of investigative journalism to expose scandals, this type of investigative reporting can also lead to sensationalism and stories that are overly sordid. While the media can over sensationalize certain stories, it can also under expose them as well. An example would be the Iran-contra scandal. Before its exposure in late 1986, the Reagan administration has denied that Oliver North had supported the Nicaraguan contra rebels during the congressional ban on its aid. Most members of the media, as well members of congress, simply accepted the denials and failed to investigate the story (Entman 6). Another example is the way in which the media exposed the Watergate scandal. When the crimes actually occurred, in 1972, Nixon was running for re-election. During this time, the media only presented sporadic reports to the public, leaving them ill-informed about the issue. Had the public been more aware of the scandal and its implications, they may have decided not to re-elect Mr. Nixon. Instead, he was re-elected and later impeached, which was an embarrassing scandal for America. Public Misinformation and Media Responsibility The public accepts for fact that what they are told by the media. They trust the media to give them the whole story and for that story to be truthful, correct and unbiased. However, despite this, viewers of mass media have been found to still be poorly informed. For example: â€Å"Six months into the Iraq war, a study by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland found that FOX News viewers were more likely than consumers of any other major media outlet source to have mistaken beliefs about Iraq. Including the belief that U.S. led forces had already found weapons of mass destruction there. This belief was held by one out of every three FOX viewers at the time, compared to only one out of ten respondents who cited PBS or NPR as their main source of news (Boehlert et al).† Media Matters, an online news source, has exposed media sources, like FOX, That systematically misinform the public (Boehlert et al). Individuals who are loyal to a specific media outlet trust them to give them the true facts, however, this trust may not be warranted. Viewers must also be held responsible for doing their own research in order to fully understand an issue. Citizens depend on media to be the watchdogs of government, but who then is watching the media? Organizations like Media Matters seek to expose bias in media. Getting this message out to the public has become easier with advances in technology and the emergence of social media. New Media A new type of media has begun to emerge as a result of the rise of social media and the Internet. Many people get their news today not from a TV or print newspaper but from internet sites, blogs, and social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. â€Å"The World Wide Web and the accompanying explosion in â€Å"new media† have forced an upheaval in U.S. politics in at least four areas, creating 1) innovative ways to reach voters; 2) a radically changed news system; 3) an unprecedented flood of small donors; and 4) newly empowered interest groups on the left and right† (Edsall). The internet is an inexpensive way for politicians to gain maximum exposure. Even candidates with smaller campaign funds can reach a large audience if they are savvy to the ways of social media and blogging. Since their overhead is lower, small internet based media outlets do not have to rely on advertisers to keep their ventures afloat. Thus, their coverage does not need to bend to the whim of corporate sponsors. In turn, the Internet also allows for constituents to feel more connected to politicians. They can follow their personal Twitter and Facebook pages, which may or, more likely, may not be updated by the actual politician themselves, but more likely a paid staff member. However, the level of intimacy between the candidate and the public is heightened, and this may gain them more favor and, in the end, more votes. The internet has given a voice and the power to change to even the most marginal players. For example, during the 2008 presidential election, an aide to Senator Barack Obama made a pseudo campaign ad depicting Hilary Clinton as an all-powerful dictator. The ad was played on YouTube and received over 1 million hits. While the ad itself may not have changed the course of the election, it did show just how powerful the Internet can be in coloring public opinion (Edsall). Conclusion If it is true that democracy depends on the existence of a free and unbiased media, then it may be argued that the United States if far from a true democracy. Bias is inherent in media: in the media outlets themselves, in the various members of government and politics, in the journalists who report the news and in the way in which viewers and audiences interact with media. However, the ideal that democracy depends on a truly free and unbiased media may be an unrealistic expectation because, in fact, the media will always be biased because that is just part of its nature. We do not live in an ideal world, and ideals quickly fade in the face of everyday reality. Media must change along with its changing society and political environment. In this way, it does represent the ideals and values of the day. Today, we are witness to a time of great change in terms of technology and the way in which information is disseminated. Just as quickly as the political environment is changing so is the media that covers it. New technology is giving rise to the exposure of political corruption and government incompetence. It is giving a voice to the under paid and underrepresented voices of the public. So in fact, it appears that the media is still doing its job. However, it is still up to the individual to remain informed on the issues at hand and to remain a loyal and informed citizen by scrutinizing the media just as they scrutinize the government.

Monday, July 22, 2019

One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest Essay Example for Free

One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest Essay In One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Ken Kesey tells the story of Randle McMurphy, a rebellious, boisterous and overtly sexual man who utilizes his extroverted qualities to win over his fellow patients in the mental institution. McMurphy’s confident nature and non-conforming attitude brings hope to everyone living in the ward. Ultimately, he sparks dissent and inspires them to go against the oppressive head nurse, Nurse Ratchet. McMurphy’s confidence does not waver until he realizes that Nurse Ratchet will always have the upper hand over the patients. Nevertheless, this does not stop him from concocting plans to provoke and get rid of her. McMurphy receives many harsh punishments for his actions and eventually loses the battle against the head nurse. Not only does he lose against Nurse Ratchet, but he eventually loses himself through the process. Additionally, in the film The Experiment, the protagonist Travis, undergoes an adversity which is comparable to what McMurphy faces in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. The development of both characters can parallel each other through the similarities of their actions. Kesey first introduces McMurphy to readers when he is brought to the mental institution. At first glance, McMurphy can be viewed as a con man. He committed the crime of statutory rape but instead of accepting a jail sentence he convinces the judge that he is not straight in the head and is thus sent to a mental institution. Most patients at the ward are unresponsive, yet when he first arrives at the institution, he introduces himself to everyone. The patients and nurses are taken aback by McMurphy’s feisty attitude. Unlike the other patients, McMurphy is loud, arrogant, and capable and it is evident to everyone that he does not belong in a place like that. After the wards group meeting, McMurphy sees firsthand how Nurse Ratchet abuses her power as head nurse. He makes a bet with all the patients in the ward that he can make lose her temper. The patients warn him and insist that Nurse Ratchet not one to be messed with but he still acts otherwise. In this instance, McMurphy’s rebellious nature shines through. It is made clear to readers that he will not allow Nurse Ratchet to win over the patients for long. He wants to give her a hard time and hopefully get rid of her. Nurse Ratchet sees McMurphy’s deviance and knows that she must break him, just like she broke all the other patients so she can continue her oppressive leadership over the ward. After numerous confrontations between McMurphy and Nurse Ratchet, the patients in the ward find the incidents quite amusing. Eventually, McMurphy is able to rile up all the patients and encourage them to watch the World Series on the television. Although it was not their allotted time to watch the television, they all participate in the rebellion. Through McMurphy actions, the patients see that they should not view Nurse Ratchet as an oppressive and domineering force. They begin to feel hope inside themselves and begin to envision that living in the ward will not be as miserable as it once was. Nurse Ratchet’s patience begins to wear thin and once McMurphy physically attacks her, she quickly makes the decision to have him lobotomized and leaves him neurologically disabled. After this event, the patients can no longer live in the ward. McMurphy was a friend to all and they could not stand living under Nurse Ratchet’s rule. She loses all control and the patients transfer to other wards or check out of the institution completely. McMurphy’s eventual destruction and death was not out of vain as he was able to transform the patients into believing that each person was an individual and should be able to freely express themselves. He left them with a belief that would aid them for the rest of their lives. Randle McMurphy’s feisty and strong-willed character can easily parallel many dominant male characters in films. For example, in the 2010 film The Experiment, Paul T. Scheuring directs the story of 26 men who are selected to take part in a 14 day experiment where some participants act as guards and others as inmates. The guards have only one rule to follow they must make sure the inmates obey the basic rules of living in a prison. Eventually the power wielded by the guards gets to their heads. They abuse their roles and exploit and humiliate the inmates. They become great oppressors and being to forget that the inmates are only human. Violence begins to ensue. The protagonist, Travis, is selected to be an inmate in the prison. From the beginning, it is made apparent that Travis is not buying into the whole prisoner concept. Just like McMurphy, Travis acts out as an individual. He is not one to follow others and ceases any opportunity to give the guards a difficult time. He then begins to act out in defiant ways. He mobilizes the inmates and leads rebellions against the guards. He and many other inmates firmly decide that they will not be silenced into submission. Eventually, the experiment goes wildly out of control and is stopped by researchers. Like Randle McMurphy, Travis fights back against the oppressors. He did not like seeing his fellow inmates get taken advantage of. Travis begins rebelling and disobeying the rules in small ways, such as refusing to eat his meals. Eventually, he uses physical force to end the tyranny in the prison. Randle McMurphy and Travis are similar characters in many ways. They both were able to unite the group of men that were facing the same adversity. They did not like seeing any of their own getting harmed. Furthermore, just like McMurphy, Travis acts in defiant ways to get into the guards heads. And finally, both use physical force to hurt their oppressors at the very end. To sum it up, they are the spark that brings hope to the oppressed and lead the rebellions against the oppressors.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Key Challenges Faced By The Bpo Industry Management Essay

Key Challenges Faced By The Bpo Industry Management Essay Peter Drucker says innovation is a change that creates a new dimension of performance. In todays business world, competition has become fierce and sophisticated. Companies worldwide are striving hard to operate as efficiently as possible and pass on the savings to the end consumers, in a bid to stay ahead of the competition. In the process, many companies are forced to innovate to come up with ways to reduce costs, increase efficiency and identify differentiators not only for their own organizations but also for their customer organizations. In the midst of this dog eats dog global competition, customers are true beneficiaries by demanding additional value, process innovation and business transformation from suppliers. In todays dynamic world, innovation is the hallmark of a competitive and leading organization. With attrition rates and competition in the BPO and ITES sectors rampant, innovation is the logical solution to stem the rot of this exodus and surge ahead of competition. Innovation, however, is not only about discoveries or new inventions; it is a concerted initiative to implement new ideas and methods of doing business to increase the overall efficacy of results (read topline and bottomline).   Innovation in BPO and ITES sectors is now picking up after companies have woken up to the fact that innovation is indispensable for survival and also in creating a competitive edge. Innovation occurs not randomly or accidentally but when there is a proper system/structure in place to encourage it. Any business is the sum total of its capabilities, which may differ from person to person. Nourishing innovation involves understanding the various capabilities in an organization and harnessing them to the best of its ability. These capabilities include: Differentiating capabilities an organizations primary assets that describes its special nature and the real differentiating factor Core capabilities those that are critical to the organizations survival, but may not necessarily help in differentiation Support capabilities those that support the organizations core capabilities and foster them. This paper aims to analyse innovation in the Indian ITES industry, success thereof and the focus needed to excel in the space. In particular, the organozation I was working for was suffering from all the symptoms mentioned in the report. Key Challenges faced by the BPO industry today and ways to fight it Flight to Scale Galloping Manpower Costs Increasing investments in Infrastructure Customer Retention Customer Acquisition People Retention To face these challenges, BPOs are forced to innovate and differentiate themselves in the market place. There are various types of innovation that a BPO can resort to: Business Model Innovation Services/Markets innovation Operations Innovation Business Model Innovation would mean changing the structure of doing business or even changing the billing model. From an hourly billing rate or transaction based billing organizations are now looking at outcome based financial models and sharing the risk and reward with the customer. Services/Markets Innovation would mean targeting entirely new markets based on new or existing offerings. BPOs can also innovate by coming up with entirely a new range of services. For example, many organizations are now talking about platform Platform BPO is about providing Business Processing services using a domain rich vertical or horizontal application (platform). Good examples for Horizontal application would be FA, CRM etc. There are innumerable vertical platforms. Some examples are Mortgage Processing, Collection Management, Insurance Benefits Administration, Policy Administration, Claims Processing and the list goes on. The purpose of the platform is to give credibility to the BPO providers capability. Operations Innovation aims at providing operational excellence with new offerings. Organizations are increasingly investing in analytics to provide the client insights into the way business is conducted and identifying areas of improvement. In one sense, it is akin to consulting services. Other forms of innovation could be in the areas of employee practices and investments in new technology. This is a significant change, which is true also of what is happening in IT and has a remarkable parallel with the transformation and rise of Japan in the post-war period. The transformation first occurs in transiting from cost advantage (wage arbitrage) to quality. Then comes the stage where quality is taken for granted, like hygiene, and clients start demanding innovation as a matter of course. Indian BPO as also IT is here right now and the ability of Indian players to innovate, in which they are still beginners, will determine their future.   A few examples of innovative players to help employee retention Intelenet Global Services, one of the leading BPO companies in India and rated among top-10 by NASSCOM, offering BPO and technology consulting services to clients in various sectors across the globe, has capitalized on its capabilities through employee innovation practices. To eliminate the boredom of the employees and keep them motivated to give their best for continuous value-addition to their clients, it offers its employees three career paths in the form of vertical growth, horizontal growth, and shift to parent company. While 70% of promotions in the organization are internal, only 30% is external. After 2 years of service, if an employee doesnt want to be a team leader (vertical growth), but desires to get into HR or training or other areas, he is allowed to shift diagonally across functions. Moreover, if someone who has worked for 2 years wants to move from nightshift to dayshift, then he is given first preference, subject to a vacancy in the parent company. Intelenet has spon sored offshore domain specialization training programmes for its employees, besides certification programs such as Train the Trainer. It has sent its employees to participate in seminars and conferences of top management institutes and also got them Customer Operations Performance Centre (COPC) certified. Similarly, Prudential Process Management Services (PPMS), the wholly-owned BPO subsidiary of Prudential UK, also offers vertical and lateral growth for its employees, thus enhancing value for its clients as well as employees through employee innovation. eFunds International, a US-based company providing technology solutions in financial risk management and electronic payments, and consultancy services, is creating continuous value for its clients through employee innovation. Whenever an employee joins the organization, he is given a Magic Score Card, which serves as a training passport. eFunds provides its employees training expertise in domain areas and also focuses on leadership skills. Because of its innovation initiatives, eFunds net revenues increased 11% from $532 million in 2003 to $552 million in 2004. Infowavz, another BPO company, offers a 1-year Management Development Program for fresh employees who join the company after completing their MBAs. It also offers an Accelerated Career Development programme for highly motivated and self-driven employees who look for continuous challenges and opportunities to maximize their potential. It has designed a unique Team Innovation programme for top performers who are associated with new projects at the pilot stage or proof-of-concept stage. Infowavz lucidly communicates its career path to employees at the recruitment stage, defining the Key Result Areas, and conducts an exhaustive Training Needs Analysis programme to identify the deficiencies and build employee competencies. There are quite a few BPOs investing on platform technologies to differentiate themselves from competition and also to improve margins. Wipros experience in the outsourcing industry has led to the development of Base, a technology platform that integrates outsourced services with the customers internal business processes and fulfils the following requirements: Flexibility and continuous improvement Control and transparency Complaince Faster time to benefit Accuracy and Quality What it takes to be an innovator A Partnering Attitude. Whats key here is a strong, long-term relationship between the two organizations. Both organizations must discourage adversarial, us-versus-them attitudes. If the provider fails, the client failsand vice versa. This is not about warm, fuzzy feelings; it is about clarifying synergies between the two organizations during the RFP cycle and ensuring alignment of interest just like in joint ventures. The Right Technology Platform. IT should support innovation. The technology platform provider must be able to make new technologies available quickly through the provider. This requires close collaboration between the BPO provider and the technology vendornot just marketing agreements. Also, buyers should select technology vendors with a demonstrated track record in bringing innovations to market over extended periods of time. BPO is long term; it is an innovation marathon, not a sprint. The Appropriate Governance Mechanisms. Buyers must ingrain innovation in their governance. That includes creation of an innovation and technology council with members from both buyer and supplier who meet regularly to review progress, ensure the technology evolves, and check the benchmarks at regular intervals to identify where performance falls behind. And technology evolution must push innovation efficiently, meaning integration is easy because the platform conforms to standards. Buyers can insure their tech platform does this using proactive oversight and agreed-upon standards. Standardized Process Redesign and Related Technology. Buyers need to limit their customization demands whenever they can. If buyers want innovation, the service delivery economics must work for the supplier. Suppliers that make money can afford to bring in innovation. This often becomes tricky because both buyer and supplier have to clearly understand the cost structure of the service delivery. A provider forced to accept a service delivery model that does not harness economies of scale, process optimization, or access to labour arbitrage is never going to be able to innovate, and customers forcing BPO providers to tweak their offerings may inadvertently kill the very root of the economic advantage suppliers are supposed to bring to the table. Better discussions about standardization pains and gains must happen between the client and the provider organization. Absolute top management commitment. No innovation can happen without top management commitment for both human and capital resources. This is very important because when investing in innovation sometimes results are not immediate. The senior management must have the vision and patience to reap the benefits. Conclusion Innovation in the BPO space continues to be a challenge for the following reasons: BPOs are normally under margin pressures and resource commitments for innovation are difficult to make. The SLAs are very stringent and time bound. Moreover daily performance could affect the commercials in a big way. This is because organizations see this as a window to reach out to their customers and a slip here would directly affect their customer satisfaction. Hence contracts are very tight and normally followed to the dot. This leaves very little room for innovation. Running the operations everyday is a struggle in itself People related issues are much higher when compared to the sister industry Information technology. The work hours are odd and the compensation less. This means a good amount of time being spent of motivational issues and coaching and training. Due to all these reasons, innovation in the BPO space continues to be a challenge. But in future as competition stiffens and the line between IT and ITES fades, there is a good chance that the scene gets better, including the organization I was working for.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Investing strategies by age Essay -- essays research papers

Investing Strategies Pre-Career (16-25) – During this investment period in my life my goal is to have safety of principal while still receiving income. This is a very low risk portfolio strategy. Income will most likely be low because I will hopefully be enrolled in a post secondary education and graduate school. During this time I will be taking very minimal risks by investing in securities such as; T-bills, Canada, government and corporate bonds, stalwarts (blue chips), preferred shares, and possibly two or three small cap stocks in order to diversify my portfolio as well as incorporate some risk into it as well. Blue-chip stocks are very reliable and low risk because they are large companies with millions of assets and a great investment for this stage of my life. Early Years (25-35) – This time in my life will hopefully be one where I am able to spend a proportion of my income on investing in order to grow my portfolio. Hopefully at this point of my life I will have a high paying job after graduate school and will have income to spend. Although cash would be tight when attempting to raise and support a family, the portfolio must be balanced as well. Therefore, having money equally spread out between bonds, blue-chip stocks, and small caps would be the best scenario to grow my portfolio as well as keeping the risk at moderate degree. I would focus on all five types of stocks that I have previously researched; yet I will still have less money in speculative and potential turnaround because the risk is quite high. Establishment Year (35-55) – This is a very important investing stage in my life because I will have the money to be able to invest freely as well as be quite aggressive in the way I invest. The securities that I will most likely invest in are moderate to high-risk securities that can profit in high return. Investing in a few specified bonds for my possible child’s education and for safety of principle. As well as some blue-chip stocks, and mainly higher risk stocks such as cyclical, speculative and potential turnaround. These stocks are the best for growing my portfolio, although they do pose a high risk, at this point in my life I will be able to afford the loss. The key to this time in my life is to use risk to my advantage and be able to receive capital gain and dividends. Pre-Retirement Years (55-65) – This time period in my life will be mu... ...s on the economy. When the economy is doing well, the risk is low and visa-versa. AlarmForce – The AlarmForce Company is a growth stock because of the constant growth that it has had over past years. The best stage to invest in this stock would be when you have a relatively moderate-low risk investment portfolio. This is because the growth stock usually rises at a slower pace but continues to rise, therefore the best period to invest in this stock would be during the early years and the pre-retirement years because there is growth needed, but the risk level is moderate-low. Dimethaid Corporation – The speculative stock that I researched was Dimethaid, which is a drug creator and fabricator. This is one of the riskiest stocks that I researched because of their unstable history and their fluctuating stock prices. The time that I would choose to purchase this investment would definitely only be during the establishment years. This is because it is the only time when I will have freedom to invest in companies and I will have a much higher risk tolerance. Because the stock is high risk, this is the only reasonable investing period where I can afford the loss of the original investment

The Firewall Essay -- Technology Computers Internet Safety Essays

The Firewall WHAT IS A NETWORK FIREWALL? A firewall is a system or group of systems that enforces an access control policy between two or more networks. The means by which this control is accomplished varies widely, but in principle, the firewall is a pair of mechanisms, one that blocks traffic and one that permits traffic. Some firewalls emphasize blocking traffic, while others emphasize permitting traffic. The most important thing to recognize about a firewall is that it implements an access control policy. If you don't know what kind of access you want to permit or deny, or you let someone else or some product configure a firewall based on judgment other than yours, that entity is making policy for your whole organization. WHY WOULD I WANT A FIREWALL? The Internet is a fun little playground and at the same time a hostile environment. Like any other society, it's plagued with the kind of people who enjoy the electronic equivalent of writing on other people's walls with spray paint, tearing off their mailboxes, or just sitting in the street blowing their car horns. Some people get real work done over the Internet, and some must protect sensitive or proprietary data. Usually, a firewall's purpose is to keep the intruders out of your network while letting you do your job. Many traditional corporations and data centers have computing security policies and practices that users must follow. If a company's policies dictate how data must be protected, a firewall is very important because it embodies corporate policy. Frequently, the hardest part of hooking a large company to the Internet is not justifying the expense or effort, but instead convincing management that it's safe to do so. A firewall not only provides real security but also plays an important role as a security blanket for management. Last, a firewall can act as your corporate ambassador to the Internet. Many corporations use their firewall systems to store public information about corporate products and services, files to download, bug-fixes, and so forth. Several of these systems (such as,, have become important parts of the Internet service structure and reflect well on their organizational sponsors. WHAT CAN A FIREWALL PROTECT AGAINST? Some firewalls permit only e-mail traffic, thereby protecting the network against any attacks o... it, crashing it, jamming it, or flooding it. Denial of service is impossible to prevent because of the distributed nature of the network: every network node is connected via other networks, which in turn connect to other networks. A firewall administrator or ISP has control of only a few of the local elements within reach. An attacker can always disrupt a connection "upstream" from where the victim controls it. In other words, someone who wants to take a network off the air can either take the network off the air directly or take the network it connects to off the air, or the network that connects to that network off the air, ad infinitum. Hackers can deny service in many ways, ranging from the complex to the brute-force. If you are considering using the Internet for a service that is absolutely time- or mission-critical, you should consider your fallback position in the event that the network is down or damaged. Microsoft has released hotfixes that address certain types of denial-of-service attacks such as SYN Flooding and giant Ping packets. Be sure to regularly watch for new Service Packs, because they offer new security enhancements that you should put on your systems.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Communicaton between animals and humans Essay -- essays research paper

INTRODUCTION The importance of communication between animals cannot be underestimated. Through communication, animals are able to concentrate on finding food, avoiding their enemies, mating and caring for their young. The study of communication between animals and humans is a never ending fascination and a way to learn more about ourselves. The development of human communication is what makes us exclusive to any living thing on this planet. The ways in which we communicate with one another is uniquely important in our everyday lives. Without it’s presence, the world would have no development, holding the same appearance as one million years ago. We would be lacking a sense of society and most probably be still in the Stone Age. The mystery of the development of human language constitutes how we are uniquely human from other animals. Human beings have a daily working vocabulary of 1000 words, and with our knowledge on how to use grammatical rules is what makes our sense of communication more sophisticated than any animal. Verbal communication between humans is the central, most relevant factor in a sophisticated society. People have evolved into expressive and capable members of society. The human language has been around for five thousand years and it is apparent that language has been complex long before that. The human language is quite problematic as grammar and syntax play a major role in defining language. Animals have an extremely primitive way of communicating compared to humans, and the way in which we communicate. Animals cannot verbally speak like us humans and studies verify this. HUMAN AND ANIMAL COMMUNICATION It is the existence of human communication that has made the world the place it is today. Through communication, human beings have created skyscrapers, long bridges to complicated forms of transportation. We have also had the ability to start world destruction and encourage world peace. It is through learning how to communicate with other humans for almost five thousand years that a persons way of thinking has expanded and information has been passed on from generation to generation. Without a well-advanced language system, we would not be able to function as a successful society that is constantly making advanced and technological developments. The ways in which we communicate to each ... .... Humans have also been able to build a comfortable society and work at it from generation to generation. As far as we know, animals are still using the same forms of communication as hums did 5000 years ago. There have been no signs of advances in the ways in which they live or the ways they choose to communicate. I don’t underestimate animals as I think they can be intelligent in their own little ways. In conclusion, the only means of animal communication involves a basic information transfer from the sender to the receiver. However, no animal could come close to an affective communication system like the human language. They can however convoy their needs, desires and reactions to the environment via some sophisticated signalling of their own. BIBLEOGRAPHY (1)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Harley T (1996) â€Å"The psychology of language from Data to Theory†. Psychology press publishers. (2)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ting-Toomey. S and Korzenny. F (1989) â€Å"Language, Communication, and Culture†. Sage Publications Ltd (Volume X111) (3)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Wardhaugh. R (1993) â€Å"Investigating Language†. Blackwell publishers.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Music for survival or a luxury

Is music a luxury, or a necessity for humans? Even though we can live with out it, unlike food and water, I do believe music is a necessity. Even in countries where food and water are scarce, they will still find a way to make music. Some luxuries are necessary to live a peaceful life, music being one of them. So, with that being said, music not only helps us through the tough times, but also keeps us alive. Music Is like glue. It lets us keep our sanity. Music relates to us, thus letting us know, â€Å"Hey, you're not the only one going through this. Also, I'll bet my life that each and every one of o listens to music at least once a day. Weather It's on TV, or on the radio when you go to work, or even if you heat a street performer In a park, you've all heard music. If you haven't, then probably deaf. Music surrounds us, no matter what. Plus, music Is not only good for your health, It's good for your soul. For some people, music Is a distraction, but others, It helps them work, ex ercise, and even helps then remember easier. I know It dose for me. So many people suffer from depression across America, and across the world.An estimated 9. 2 million people suffer from depression. But, most of them seek out music that relates to them, makes them feel loved, or even just music in general. Music is their life, they live for music. And in some cases, music keeps them living. With out music, where would they be? But, this doesn't mean, â€Å"Unless your depressed, then you don't need music. † We all need music sometimes. Weather you're sad that your boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with you, or you got in a fight with your best friend, or you could Just be having a bad day.Music will always be there, waiting for you. Who doesn't Just want to curl up with a blanket and listen too loyalist of music you made when you're sad, maybe even bring your favorite book with you. Or, you're Just so happy, and you Just want to dance, you're most likely to put on a really good song, a Just dance till you can't. â€Å"Music expresses that witch cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent† – Victor Hugo Music is everywhere. It's on the TV we watch, on the streets we walk on, in the cars we drive, one could even say it's practically in the air we breath.No matter where you go, there's bound to be music. You might not be able to understand it, but it's still there. It's always has been, and always will be. In my life, personally, I listen to music for a good six hours per day. From the time my alarm goes off, to when my mom makes my take out my eat buds to go to bed. With out It, I don't know where I'd be. Music also brings people together. Whether It's at a concert, or someone Likes the same band as you. Music brings us closer then anything else on earth, expect love.I'd would have missed out on so many opportunities If It wasn't for music. To be honest, I met most of my friends thanks to music. Music brings us together, It's a fa ct. Some people consider music as a luxury though. Usually a luxury Is something that Is afforded my one group or person, but not by another, poorer group or person. But, that doesn't apply to music, as it is enjoyed across the entire planter, regardless of would want to? There is something special about music. It Just makes everything better. Music, at it's best moments, is a most miraculous expression of humanity.That's why I love it. For most people, music is a distraction. But for others, like myself, it actually helps them work. Music stimulates certain parts of the brain. When you're writhing an easy about, let's say, world hunger, you might want to listen to some music that you consider â€Å"emotional† while you write. By doing this, you could be more likely to be able to put more feeling into your easy. Also, collage students often listen to music while they study. That way, when you take the test, and the song pops up in your head, you'll remember what you learned.I f you listen to up-beat music while you exercise, it raises your heart beat, and making you work header. Up-beat music will also help you not fall asleep. Another good use for music is, when you hear a certain song, it might remind you of something. Like, the song that was playing when you had your first kiss. Or maybe you hear a song that was popular back when you were in gig school. Music works in strange ways. Music has the ability to make a person feel emotions, of course, we already knew that.The thing is though, one song could make a person feel so happy, and the person next to them could be in tears because of that song. It's weird how music has such an impact on our lives, and we hardly notice it. The same song you think sucks so much, could be the one thing that is keeping a person alive. Or maybe, that person could be you, who knows. But what we do know is this. The first written form of music can be traced all the way back to 600 AD, and can still be found and heard today all cross the world.If we didn't need music to survive, then why has it been around so long? Think about it. When the first song was sung, and the first instruments were played, who was there? Our ancestors were there, and I bet they were cheering on, and dancing, having a good old time. Enjoying life as if it would never end. Those first people past on their experiences on from generation to generation, and pretty soon, every one loved music. They couldn't get enough of it. It would be crime to take that away form us. Music is our history, music is our life. With out it, what are we?

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Mainframe/Pc Evolution

central helping unit/PC Evolution The developing of central processing unit deliberation to exclusiveal computing began with the invention of the central processing unit for businesses and government use. The in-person computing machine (PC) evolved from companies wanting the same nurture from scaled down version of the central processor and dumb terminal. Though they both inhabit of data storage, processors, input and step to the foreput devices. However, they dedicate their differences. processors The mainframe was invented in the 1950s. One of the prototypical mainframes was the Univac 1, which was delivered to the Census Bureau in 1952.It metric 25-feet by 50-feet and had a storage depicted object of 1000 words or 12,000 characters (Lexikon Services, 1982). In the 1970s the mainframe changed with the development of UNIX run clay (Rogers, 2010). A mainframe consort to Vaughan (n. d. ), A mainframe is a continually evolving general purpose computing programme in corporating in it architectural translation the necessity functionality required by its target operations (par. 5). The Mainframe is a multi- drug user data storage and application computing system.Mainframe systems lavatory be a single mainframe unit or multiple mainframe units, depending on the come of users and uses, it is needed for. Information is entered in on a dumb terminal or workstation. The mainframe bay window be in the same room or in an other(a) room and even on a different floor. The mainframe is cognize for its reliability and why companies are involuntary to spend the half-a-million dollars or much(prenominal) for them. Mainframes permit fast bus speeds, high hoard speeds, defect detection, and error correction (Rogers, 2010). ad hominem Computers One of the first computing machines to be considered a in-person Computer was the IBM PC in 1981.Others were invented from 1955. It rested of a monitor, keyboard, and desktop base with floppy drives. It w eighed 28 pounds. Companies were looking for a charge to down-scale and cut the cost of the mainframe system. The face-to-face Computer, according to Whatis. com is a microcomputer knowing for use by one person at a time (TechTarget, 2008, par. 1). In todays terms it consist of a display unit, keyboard, mouse, tower or desktop that consists of a hard drive, memory, processors, bring board, and other hardware to carry out its functions as a microcomputer.The cost of a Personal Computer has aim low-cost over the years for an individual to leveraging for main office use as fountainhead as company use. The use of a personal computer varies in that it is use for company business, home computing, gaming, and has other opportunities for an individual computing needs. The PC has changed the federal agency populate do business, pay their bills, entertain themselves, and communicate. The PC bed process data, run programs and applications, become a database, and can be networked into other PCs and mainframes.The Personal Computer makes it easier for smaller companies to achieve what overlarger companies can do with mainframes. Pcs can be networked together can destiny the same information, store information, and work efficiently. The fall held PC provides for computing mobility, which provides for more productivity. PC and Mainframe Comparison The mainframe is a large, reliable, multi-user computing system costing millions of dollars. If a mainframe has any downtime, the whole system and users cannot work. The PC is a small, affordable, and single user microcomputer that an individual can buy.It can be used for business and home computing. It has similarities to the mainframe display unit, keyboard, processor, memory, information storage, and direct systems. Contrasts Mainframe operating systems are knowing primarily to optimize utilization of hardware. Personal computer (PC) operating systems support composite games, business applications, and everything in between (Silbershcatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2009). The mainframe is more costly than a PC. However, it is more reliable than the PC. The mainframe can process information much faster than a PC.It also has faster bus speeds and higher(prenominal) cache speeds. The hardware in a mainframe has error detection and error correction for less downtime (Rogers, 2010). The PC is smaller, cheaper, and a single-user computer system. Its uses include home, business, and entertainment purposes. The PC system is can easily be transmitd by one person, the Mainframe system takes multiple people to move it. Conclusion The mainframe made way for the personal computer. In a large business setting a mainframe would be worth the price.The PC is chronic to evolve and is becoming smaller and more evolved as technology advances. Even though they have their differences, each serves it purpose in todays society. References Blinkenlights Archaeological Institute. (1999-2007). come in Quiz What was the first personal computer? Retrieved November 26, 2011from http//www. blinkenlights. com/pc. shtml Lexikon Services. (1982-2000). UNIVAC 1 (1951) First Commercially on tap(predicate) Computer. Retrieved November 26, 2011 from http//www. computermuseum. li/Testpage/UNIVAC-1-FullView-A. htm Rogers, S. (2010).Comparison and Contrast Between Mainframes and PCs. Retrieved November 26, 2011 from http//www. associatedcontent. com/ expression/5884114/comparison_and_contrast_between_mainframes. html? cat=15 Silbershcatz, A. , Galvin, P. B. , & Gagne, G. (2009). direct System Concepts (8th ed. ). Hoboken, NJ John Wiley & Sons. Inc. TechTarget. (2008). Whatis. com. Retrieved November 26, 2011 from http//whatis. techtarget. com/definition/0,,sid9_gci214279,00. html Vaughan, L. H. (n. d. ). What is a Mainframe. Retrieved November 26, 2011 from http//www. mainframes. com/whatis. htm


Summary Li & Fung, which is a long-standing Hong Kong base caller-up, has evolved from an export trading ac federation to a coordinator of value-added go across the total add chain in a global, open manufacturing circumstance. Its integrated culture has enabled it to sustainment pace with the current turn off of global subscriber line. The happy acquisitions and the jeopardy corking make the company grows stably and rapidly. However, the company now faces some repugns coming from Asiatic financial environment and related policies.High sensitive of the trade in macro environment is essential for the company to success. At the resembling clipping, keeping Asia in an primal position could retain long time warlike advantages. Finally, the update of breeding and technology may contract to a greater extent efficiency and effective within the fundamental law. incoming Li & Fung was the off come in printing export company that whole funded by Chinese capital in C hinese trade history. Fung Yiu-hing and Li To-ming founded it in 1906 in Guangzhou, China. The so functiond grew to be a limited company in Hong Kong on December 28, 1937.The company expanded readily to globalize by the leading of the second gear propagation from the Fung family. The high-speed maturement of Li & Fung express started when the ternary generation of Fungs family took over the organization. The core part of the companys melody ar external trade, logistic, distribution and retail. professional and William tried to restructure the company, use the directionm human resource wariness, and utilized professional focus skills to control the company without eliminating the Chinese style management.Li & Fung special made use of acquisition to take over the competitors and expanded their suppliers and clients all over the world. The most celebrated and prospered one is the acquisition of Inchcape Buying serve (IBS), which helped Li & Fung Limited to open the E uropean trade. At the same time, the brothers establish a venture capital corporation to accompany the suppliers and stable its supply chain. consort to one anonymous (1999), Li & Fung is the worlds deepst trade sourcing company and it pioneers a crude case for multinationals.By now, William and Victor want to expand the company from Asia establish company into a region closer to their marking market. With the new trend of the global economy, Li & Fung Limited result encounter to a greater extent challenges and uncovering a way out of a ruggedy. Since its foundation, the company has establishes a culture that incorporates pragmatism and innovation. According to Msmith (2008), the progressive corporate culture, which blends traditional pragmatic reasoning with entrepreneurial innovation, has enabled adaptability and growth in a dynamic market.Additionally, it combines the Chinese business culture (Chineseness) with the foreign operations. Not only is it expects truth and rew ard diligent, but it also has a rational and transparent bonus system, where bonuses were based solely on profit performance. Generally, the company is employee-concerned, where the workers and managers are encompassed as family. As is the vision of the corporation, they strive to use resources expeditiously to add business value for our customers and their suppliers to focus on the health and comfortablybeing of our colleagues and to positively impact our communities and societies (2013).Analysis of Li & Fung Li & Fungs outsourcing matrix suits particularly well to its global position and activity To begin with, outsourcing teams are firstly divided into two chief(prenominal) merchandise categories soft and hard keens. Since they specialized in a certain(a) kind of good, they offend a certain expertise, which is an asset in their discussions with external agents. Besides, inside each(prenominal) category, the teams are divided depending on their geographical market. This o rganization displays an advantage in satisfying specific topical anaesthetic need.Further more(prenominal), connection and communication is established and fostered betwixt the divisions, which go exactly whom to contact for each particular issue. Finally, Li & Fung is able to efficiently master the 4Cs (connections, communications, control of quality, and desegregation of shipments), and obtain a competitive advantage because of their organisational chart. In terms of Li & Fungs business model, it is a virtual factory or cloak-and-dagger label manufacturing program. This means that it specializes in providing return itself, not brand or promotion.Although there is wide-ranging scale merit in production of stuff industry, it is difficult that each company has a uncollectible factory as there are very much of competitors and fashion of the clothes are always changing, as is thought by Swan (2008). As to company which has a talent of designing or marketing, it is repair no t to chip in its manufacturing and outsourcing. Maybe this is wherefore Li & Fung is always required from some(prenominal) customers. Also, Li & Fung has certain the relationship through its network so that it gouge get such soft goods as textiles at high speed and excellent quality with the lowest cost.Successful acquisition Li & Fungs mergers have been the main way of expending their business. Among all the mergers, the biggest merger during 1994 to 1997, which is getting IBS, is the most successful and famous one even so in the global range. The main reason why Li & Fung stooge get so many benefits from merger is based on the following reasons. The first reason is that, Li & Fung knows which company to merge. When Li & Fung ingest companies, they give look for what the company is having at that time, the sourcing, the customers and the employees.In this way, Li & Fung can complement the mindless its current business. For example, although the strand of IBS was only 0 . 8% and the combined average was 2. 2%, the sourcing supplement brought by IBS has make up the blank of Li & Fungs South Asia, Europe, the Mediterranean and Latin America. The second reason is that Li & Fung knows how to merge. At that time Li & Fung is the largest worlds supplier of retailers and IBS was the second largest. So the merge was very difficult and was treat as an elephant eat elephant merger.Especially for the huge difference between the two companies, Li & Fung was a U. S. style Chinese-family business, enchantment IBS was a British company. There would be a lot of unaccustomed and conflicts as expected. So Li & Fung created a transition team to review organizational processes and implement a unit-by-unit transition. Instead of doing the transition after the merger, Li & Fung did it ahead of the merger, in prepare of livery accustoming time. When the scale of the company increases, the operational mode of the company has to keep changing as well. aft(prenominal) the merger, Li & Fungs scale is twice as big. Li & Fung changed its mode into a more efficient and suitable one. It designate managers to customer groups and not countries. This has made the management to be more professional and make the production more efficient. The merger has made the sourcing matrix of Li & Fung more mature. The margin of Li & Fung was higher than those of other companies due to their regionally coordinated sourcing wait ons. Small Venture enceinte Arm In 1986, Li & Fung established a small venture capital group in order to amend and perfect the whole supply chain.LFI invested in companies, which could assist the Li & Fungs sourcing services. Magretta (1998) indicates that Victor said A big piece of our corporate development is plugging those holes-the phrase we use is filling in the mosaic and we use venture capital to do it. LFI pay the same solicitude on the companies management system as the product when they were choosing the company to invest. Bie rs (2000) said, Its venture activity has remained modest by industry standards, with nevertheless two or three new investments a year, each typically of just a few million dollars or less. The CEO of LFI mentioned that they only invested in companies that had at least $3 million profit, escape of resource and kept the control of the company. At the same time, they were looking for the young and creative companies that owned by people with design and marketing talent. The most successful capital injection is the investment to a promotional company Cyrk Inc. LFI spent $200,000 in order to take 30% shares in Cyrk Inc. during 1990. At the very start, Cyrk Inc. provided service of T-shirt print.Three year after the capital injection, the gross revenue volume raised 20 times more than before through capitalized on its logo and promotional design capabilities. In this case, they made contract with Philip Morris to flummox a full line of promotional clothing. louver years later, LFI so ld their shares of Cyrk Inc. for about $65 million. After spending a great deal of investment in America, LFI transferred their sight to the European market. As a result of diverse culture and language, it was more difficult to invest in several companies to cover the whole European market.The complex situation required the managers in European have more come and diametrical strategies for diametrical countries. During the process of helping these companies, they gain experience about the selection of the collaborate companies and create more opportunities to broaden their business fields. At the same time, Li & Fung can gain high reputations among the growing companies, because the endeavor of the LFI is not acquire these companies. In this case, these companies could unconstrained develop themselves. And Li & Fung could not only maintain the good relationship with both potential partners and current partners.Challenges & Recommendations For Li & Fung, although it is already th e largest export company in the world, it is mum facing a lot of challenges. According to the trend of international Economics, Asian Financial Crisis will be gone. By then, the labor cost of Li & Fung will not be as low as now. So margin will be set down in the coming afterlife. But even if the Asian market has recovered, its labor cost is still degrade than other countries also the gap between the besotted and poor is huge. Most of people are life story under average level, which will bring a low cost of labor.Also Asian has a large population, which will involve a large spell of rich people, whose price sensitivity is low and postulate are high. They can purchase the products, which have been produced in Asian. So Li & Fung could give more attention to Asian Market, instead of giving it up. Policies of trade protection, which have been published by governments in different countries, will also be a huge challenge to Li & Fung. Under this circumstance, all that Li & Fung c an do is to prevent before it or actively adjust after the coming of policies.Li & Fung should do market research and macropolitical economy analysis regularly in order to choose the very best sourcing places. Also, it ought to try to find outstanding suppliers in different economic regions and different fields, so that the risk will be shared. Thereby, Li & Fung should closely monitor the changes of economics and adjust it in time. With the development of technology, information system is playing an eventful role in supply chain management. In this case, Li & Fung could establish a proprietary information network that enabled clients to view the status of an order.This will improve their customer relationship management. At the same time, they could set up a powerful selective informationbase to do data mining, which could collect the data of suppliers and consumers, in order to foreshadow the shortest time and distance and lowest cost in operation. Also they can collect the data of customers, so that they can know better of market needs and offer better service. Overall, for Li & Fung, challenges and chances are coexisting. If it could hap to reflect, to improve, it would keep up with the trend of world economics and update information and technology timely.References 1. Biers, D. (2000). Thinking small. far Eastern Economic Review, 163(46), 48-48. Retrieved from http//search. proquest. com/docview/208225120? accountid=9744 2. Li & fung pioneers a new model for multinationals. (1999). Strategic Direction, 15(6), 24-25. Retrieved from http//search. proquest. com/docview/218626878? accountid=9744 3. Li & Fung Beyond pickax in the Mosaic, 1998-1998(HBS Case 9-398-092). 4. Magretta, J. (1998), Fast, global, and entrepreneurial go forth chain management, hong kong style An interview with victor fung.Harvard blood line Review, 76(5), 102-114. Retrieved from http//search. proquest. com/docview/227758445? accountid=9744 5. Mismith068 (2008, 12). Li and Fung Ca se Analysis. StudyMode. com. Retrieved 12, 2008, from http//www. studymode. com/essays/Li-Fung-Case-Analysis-185365. html 6. Swan (2008, 9). Agri-Future trendspotting & future thinking. Retrieved 9, 2008, from http//swan-futurethinking. blogspot. ca/2008_09_01_archive. html 7. Sustainability (2013, 3). Retrieved March 14, 2013 from http//www. lifung. com/eng/csr/csr1. php